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NeighborPost is a place for you to share information with your neighbors.

Setup is simple:

Register Your Property
The person who does this becomes a property administrator. Usually, this will be the Property Manager, Office Manager or HOA Board Member. Each property is allowed up to 3 administrators.
Upload Property Information
Examples include Property Photo, Custom Header Logo, Property Manager, Maintenance Contact, Utility Providers (phone, cable, power, etc.), Documents for the residents, Community Links, etc.
Notify Residents
Print and mail (or email) a welcome letter notifying residents of their new property website and how to access it. This letter is provided in your account and includes the Guest login information.

Key Features for Residents:

Access Property Information
Quickly locate important contact information like your Property Manager, Maintenance, Power, Phone, Cable, etc. and view documents like Newsletters, Property Regulations, etc. (Sample)
Events Calendar
Share events with your neighbors. This is a great way to notify residents of maintenance schedules, homeowner meetings or fun stuff like neighborhood BBQ's. (Sample)
Are you a handyman on the weekends?... or maybe a professional insurance agent. This is a great way to share your passion and/or skilled trade with your neighbors. (Sample)
For Sale
Looking to get rid of something that you no longer have use for?... or maybe you’d like to find a great deal on something your neighbor is selling or giving away for free. (Sample)
New to the neighborhood and looking to meet neighbors with similar interests?... or maybe you‘re looking for someone to carpool with into the city. (Sample)
Nearby Places
Share great local places with your neighbors. Did you find a tasty restaurant that you would like to recommend?... or maybe you’re looking to find a local movie theater. (Sample)

Create your FREE property website!
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